Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Former President Clinton Calls Limbaugh’s Comments “A total bro move.”

GUEST REPORTER-It appears that former president Clinton is in hot water with the former first lady yet again. Upon hearing the controversial and widely considered inappropriate comments made by talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, Clinton laughed then responded in a somewhat unique manner. Clinton at first tried to contain his laughter, before giving in to a fit of what he called “the giggles.” After more than three minutes of attempting to contain himself, Clinton, finally managed to say “what a total bro move” before continuing to laugh uncontrollably. He continued to say, through continued chortling, that “the Republicans will not defeat my brown brotha, Barrry O [Barack Obama], with Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or that little old man whose name escapes me as their candidate. They need a man with a sense of humor and the White House should be occupied by a bro. No disrespect to my dark skinned pal Barry, but he just is not bro material.” Clinton was then asked if he was under the influence of marijuana and began laughing uncontrollably again. His much delayed, misty, red eyed response was “it depends on how you use the word ‘if.’” 
           Upon hearing her husband’s response, current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was visibly irritated. In a fit of what appeared to be suppressed rage she calmly stated that “Bill loves the sluts. We all remember that bitch Lewinsky. If that floosy Ms. Fluke ever comes near my husband I will personally drug her and put her on a one way flight to Siberia. Best of luck to Ms. Fluke in her future endeavors and the Democratic Party will continue to support her right to birth control.” Ms. Fluke could not be reached for comment, but was recently spotted leaving the Clinton residence in Manhattan through the back door, where coincidentally former President Clinton claims to have just been inside. VC Nargus will continue to report on whether the man known affectionately to many as “Wild Bill” can talk his way off of the couch.

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