One Student Raises Critical Question: What Has My Modern Art Professor Been Talking About For The Past Hour and A Half?
At the end of Art 269 yesterday, when the professor asked if there were any questions, one student boldly raised her hand and said "What are you talking about?" Asked to elaborate, she went on "I understood up until 10:45, and then you lost me." The students around gave encouraging nods of agreement that the professor returned with a blank stare. "Well, you see, I was trying to explain the translational qualities of this structure and these paper mache pieces along a subtle but exploratory lineage that flows temporally but is also stagnant. See!"
When the class failed to grasp this, the professor continued to try to explain herself while simultaneously backing out of the room. Once at the doorway, she quickly ducked and ran. Later spotted at The Retreat, she was allegedly mumbling to herself about temporality while stockpiling old issues of The Miscellany News for more paper mache.
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